Game Repair
Xbox One and Xbox 360 Service
Does your Xbox One or Xbox 360 console have any of these problems...RROD (red ring of death), broken HDMI port, freezes up, DVD stuck or not reading error, error codes, no power, or call with any problems you are experiencing.
Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 Services
Playstation 3 getting the dreaded YLOD (yellow light of death or your PS4 gett the BLOD (blue light of death), no worries we have great success in fixing these problems. We can also fix HDMI port issues, USB port issues, no power, DVD issues, and more. Call us for any problem.
Wii and Wii U Services
Wii or Wii U giving you error codes and freezing, not reading discs, HDMI port issues. We can fix all your Wii console problems. HDMI port issues, USB port issues, no power, DVD issues, and more. Call us for any problem.
PS3 Dualshock 3 and PS4 Dualshock 4 Controller Services
We can make your old controller work and look like new. Complete button and trigger replacement, vibrator repairs, joystick/thumbstick repair, dead button repair, usb charge/port repair, battery replacement.
Color changes, Rapid Fire mod for the serious. We will also give you a trade allowance for your old working controller with a purchase of any of our in-stock stock modified controllers.
Xbox One and Xbox 360 Controller Service
For the Xbox One and Xbox 360 controller repairs we offer complete button and trigger replacement, joystick/thumbstick repair, dead button repair.
Color changes, Rapid Fire mod and/or the addition of back buttons (back buttons mod for 360 only). We will also give you a trade allowance for your old working controller with a purchase of any of our in-stock stock modified controllers.